Objective: Enable Huawei´s participation in Brazilian 5G market with no commercial restrictions
Our Challenge: In 2021, a public auction was to define the private partners which would provide tech infrastructure to implement 5G in Brazil. Huawei, a chinese company with decades of activity in Brazil, had its participation challenged by the local government due to its rejection of chinese and “communist” companies.
A strong and coordinated work of Public Affairs and Public relations, engaging actors and journalists to advocate for a competitive, transparent, efficient free market environment.
Government Relations were a fundamental part of this plan and all PR actions were created to reverberate in the government and other key stakeholders. With the mapped premises, we created actions based on the business objectives and communication objectives, mitigating crisis and enhancing positive narratives.
This project focused on demonstrating Huawei´s technological competence and trustworthiness through strategic engagement, open dialogue and promoting visibility to the company’s initiatives in Brazil.
Disciplines involved:
- PR
- Public Affairs
- Social Media
- Advertising
- Influencer Marketing
- 200+ million impressions
- +53% Instagram Followers
- 525k clicks
- 164 interviews (118% above goals)
- 50 PR Events (67% above goals)
+ Huawei not only was able to participate in the public auction, but ended the process as the chosen winner set to provide tech infrastructure to 5G implementation in Brazil.